I was stuck in the traffic jam for one hour this morning. Not a really fun thing. But an epiphany emerged during that moment. Yup, God created everything for a reason. Even traffic jams. I had an A-Ha moment, as Oprah would say. Thanks to an old school buddy who called me and dragged me into a conversation. Who would think I would have a life-shifting, deep conversation with an old friend on this blessed rainy Friday morning, while waiting for my turn to drive forward a few inches in the infamous KL traffic. Her insight has helped me narrow down my search of what am I supposed to do with my life, as a service to humanity.
People always say that sometimes we looked so far away for answers that we couldn't see what's right infront of us. In my case, what I was looking for, was right inside of me. No wonder I could not see it. But my friend could. "Let me tell you about you," she said insistently. And she has known me for more than 20 years. "You can write. That's what you do. Do you know how many people would want to learn from you?"
"Well...", I tried to respond but I was in a lost for words. "It never occured to me! I write all the time, it is something I love to do and I do it ever since I was a little girl. At school, I `escaped' from my add math classes to write script for the school play."
Writing to me is as natural as breathing. It never occured to me that this is actually something special or extraordinary or could add value to others if I teach them. So begins this next chapter of my life. Thanks, Elmy.