Saturday, April 21, 2012

Christina Eliminates Jesse

What I love about this interview is that the DJ says all the words I want to say.  Christina is one of the best singer ever for me.  But by eliminating Jesse, she makes people question her credibility.  Coz after one spectacular performance....the guy is eliminated against other team mates who where not even close to his talent and voice.  I hope Jesse will be as successful as Jennifer Hudson, who was eliminated prematurely from American Idol.  If you want to see how Jesse sings ...and wonder why this man was eliminated, you need to watch this....

Note to self:  See Yani, even the best got voted off for whatever reason.  After being "voted off" yourself, you should be stronger.  After being voted off the second time, you should be double stronger. Back-to-back elimination.  As Steve Jobs say... along the way when you connect the dots, you will understand why what happened...has to happen.  All the best Jesse!  All the best Yani!  Let's emerge on the other side, a Fighter!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Reminder For Down Times

Image taken from:

Imbalance is a part of balance

What I don't want is part of what I do want

If you are not a little bit lost,  you won't revel in your foundedness

Your problem is part of your solution

If you're not a little bit hungry, you don't revel when you eat

If you're not a bit out of balance, you will not understand the power of balance.

It's all apart of the dance!

- Abraham Hicks

Monday, January 30, 2012

On board the next train...

(Image credit:

Today is last day of work at TW.  Tomorrow will be the first day, of the rest of my life.  Well, doesn't every good story has an unexpected twist?

Initially, I thought I got everything figured out and it seems to be working just as I so-called envisioned.  I sat back on my chosen train ride and enjoyed the many beautiful views.  It was awesome!  Then, the train started to make a turn towards some eerily familiar territory.    I read that if we pray for our life's journey to follow a better path than the one we think we are on, then we should brace ourselves for Divine answer.  Sometimes the answer comes slowly but surely, revealing itself layer by layer like peeling off an onion.  At other times, the answer comes immediately with a loud bang!  My answer came so fast, it sent shivers down my spine.  After weeks of asking God for guidance, I woke up one morning with one thought in mind: "I'm ready."  I even wrote this in my gratitude journal, -- it was 18.01.2012.  On that same day, my train came to a screeching halt.  It stopped at a cold, deserted and lonely station for me to disembark.

I was confused, scared and all alone.  Even then, I know life is revealing itself as it should be.  In the bigger journey of life, this lonely station, is indeed my stop.  But the cold and fog didn't make my wait any much easier.  I thought I was strong.  I wasn't.  All I could hang on to is God and a prayer for the next train to come.  It did.  And the speed, shape and colour with which it arrived astounded me.  It is in a form I had not imagined or expected.  But such is Divine plan.

"...And for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out.  And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine.  And if anyone puts his trust in Allah.  Sufficient is (Allah) for him.  For Allah will surely accomplish His purpose:  verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion."

The Meaning of the Holy Quran:  Surah Al-Talaq, verse 2-3

I chose to board the train, even though I do not know for sure where it would lead me.  I could only see a few hundred meters ahead.  So, I just make the journey.  Maybe when I get just that far, the next hundred meters will be revealed, and the next...and the next.  I am just going to trust Divine intelligence.  I don't really have to figure it all out, right this moment.  I couldn't anyway.  But one thing I do know, is that I am supposed to enjoy this journey and have as much fun.  For my real destination, as it is for all of ultimately with God.